Appreciate the one who gives you what you need, be mindful of the one who gives you what you want

It’s a common knowledge that one should give a child what it needs, not what it wants. I tossed this around until I saw the flip side…

Corollary: the one who tells you what you want to hear may not be the one you should listen to.

Appreciate the one who gives you what you need, be mindful of the one who gives you what you want

If you’re smart enough to complicate matters – you’re dumb

Some people seem to believe that complicating matters and making it a continuous, repeated challenge to execute certain steps is a strong demonstration of their intelligence. I tend to believe that solving the problem once, writing down the solution in simple monkey steps and not having to use brainpower for this matter ever again is a demonstration of, uhm, meta-intelligence.

If you’re smart enough to complicate matters – you’re dumb